Sunday, April 26, 2009

Golden Polish!

So one thing that I have been looking forward to when we get to move is being able to have chickens. When I was younger my aunt and uncle had chickens on their ranch in California. I loved to collect the eggs when I was younger and even have a scar on my tight where a chicken jumped up and bit me while I was in their pen collecting the eggs. Despite this scarred memory I have a dream of having my own chickens at our house. 

Last night we were over for dinner at our friends Rick and Cara's house. Rick recently bought 25 Rhode Island Reds by mail (very odd to me that you can mail live chicks!) Early on they noticed that one of the chicks looked different than the rest. She was affectionately named Odd Ball. Now that odd ball has gotten older I did a little research and discovered that she is a Golden Polish exotic chicken! I think they are so cute! This is the kind of chicken I want to get. Odd Ball spend the evening last night lounging in my hand while we played dominoes. Odd Ball spends most of the time separated from the other chickens because they are large than her and peck at her constantly because she is different. Talk about chicken discrimination! I think they are just jealous that she is so darn cute!

Friday, April 24, 2009

This Land is our Land!

Ok so our lot is in Colorado Springs, CO in an area called Black Forest named after the black forest in Germany. It is a heavily treed area but our lot has been cleared and cleaned up. Although we do have piles of dead limbs around that we are going to have
to take care of. We looked at many lots in the area but knew we needed at least 5 acres for the horses. Justin and I first put an offer in on a lot in the "plains" Justin thought
it would be better for the horses. I did not like it as much as the lot we ended up with and in the end Justin does admit this is a better lot than the first. It feels more cozy and secluded
since it is surrounded by trees!

I will take pictures soon and post.

In the beginning....

So today is April 24th. I hope that when I am writing on November 1st I have a much different story to tell you than the one I have today. Today I am furiously working on house plans to get them submittied to the bank and the regional building department by April 30th so that we can begin to build our home by June 1st. I leave work everyday and head straight to my husband, Justin's office. I sit at his desk and work on our house plans. Mostly of the time Justin is either cleaning his office, running to get us dinner or sleeping in his chair next to me. When necessary though he helps me figure out all of the structural elements I need help with. For instance I was working on our foundation plan last night. I don't know much about foundations so he had to walk me through what I needed to do. Although it is fun to design our own house I am getting to the end of my tolerance for sleep, work, work on house plans, sleep, work, work on house plans... Only 7 days left and then it will have to be done.....then on to building!